Welcome to the second website for The Young Republic!

The Young Republic started out as a mailing list on 19 October 2003 for young Singaporeans by young Singaporeans, to discuss serious issues of interest to us all.

The Young Republic Mailing List covers a vast array of topics under the sun. Since our earliest days , we have discussed political topics such as National Service, Interpretations of Racism, and social controversies such as Oral Sex in Singapore, Science and Faith, and the nature of some elitist prep schools in Singapore.

We welcome anyone who is interested in reading about or commenting about such issues. Sign up today!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Online Citizen

It has been a long gestation period, The NEW Young Republic magazine finally gets an online home!!!!!!!

This project was a collaboration between a team from the Young Republic- that is me, Zheng Xi, Enming and Vernon, and Andrew Loh and his team.

As you can see from the site, what this site will need to sustain itself in the future is content and readership. I hope you guys will support this project by contributing articles and commentary. This is one of the better opportunities we have to create an alternative media. Play your part in helping it grow!

As splintered blogs, we are "internet chatter"; as "The Online Citizen", we will have a more robust voice.

Please send articles (in word format) to Zheng Xi, who is contactable at:


Jie Kai